Vacation Packing Tips

14895_packingPacking & getting a family out the door for a vacation is akin to a “boot camp” experience. Rustling kids out of bed, barking orders, combing your kid’s hair while brushing your teeth with your left foot…You get the drift I’m sure if you are of the female persuasion.

Last year our airline called to say our early morning flight was cancelled due to mechanical issues. With Olympic-style moves I got all of us onto another airline leaving at the same time. (And YES, my “Super-Woman” trophy is prominently displayed 😉
Being prepared for any last minute emergency is smart thinking, but packing wisely is even more so. Packing is an art; keep it simple & pack lightly. You’re going on vacation, NOT moving!

Other than the typical items like sun-block, hat, important documents and yadda yadda yadda, here are some other “must have” items I’ve learned to pack for our stay at a private condo in Playa.

For Flight
-healthy plane snacks (chewing gum for those ears)
-kids books & activities
-deck of playing cards (even if GO FISH drives you crazy!)
-small blanket (flights can be chilly)
-hand wipes & tissue packs

For Condo/Villa
-DVD’s, CDs
-Tylenol, Imodium, anti-itch creams, (mom’s to-the-rescue kit)
-raincoats & warm jackets
-large backpack & money belt for day trips
-comfortable walking shoes & water socks
-Ziploc bags (for seashells & protects Ipod/camera at the beach)
-bubble wrap (to bring home those delicate souvenirs)
-travel clock, batteries & nightlight (for the little ones)
-a few bathing suits, beach cover-up & laundry bag
-pack of shower hooks (loop through your wet bathing suit & clasp over shower bar)
-collapsible cooler for beach/pool & binoculars for tours
-phone number/address of your condo & transportation company (in case of pickup delay)
-extra set of prescription eye glasses; losing or breaking a pair is a HUGE inconvenience (been there)
-small bills for tipping & small purchases

(PS inform your credit card & bank you’re traveling: we’ve had our card frozen due to unusual activity. Ensure your daily ATM limit is sufficient.)

But the “best” tip you can get is to book your holiday with Tonya & Jen, the vacation specialists at PBC. Their love of travel, experience & dedication will make your vacation memorable & worry-free. WARNING! They don’t do average; they do supreme with a cherry on top.


That’s all for now folks..

“PLAYA” Gal (a very satisfied client now working to promote Playa Beach Condos & Villas!) (PS-Click on the feed & follow my ongoing blogs!)